164. The Blakes Top 100 Games of All Time! Number 21 May Surprise You!

Hello friends! Inspired by Voip, we made lists of the best video games and talked about them into a microphone for 3 hours. I hope you enjoy!

Forgive the overly compressed audio. I realized too late in the editing process we were kind of quiet so i just had to run the compressor a second time and hope for the best. It's probably fine, but I'm feeling sensitive about my mistake.

163: Ken's Little Kickey-doos (Ho ha hiya)

I'm back from my break! Nora and I both are playing so much Street Fighter!

162. Wife Quiz: Two Decades of Excellence

Episode Notes

Welcome! We're back with our second anniversary podcast! Of our marriage, I mean. Not of the show. The show is a BIT older than that. We'd really like to do more Export, but it's sometimes a bit hard to fit into the schedule. Please enjoy!

161. Benevolent Theocratic Absolute Monarchy

In which we just kinda bullshit for 90 minutes. Anyway get your emails in about Shrek! [email protected]

160. Fire, Ice, Fire and Ice, & Bilbo's Hole

We watched some silly movies and talked about them. It's export, you know what it is.

159. Life Day Special 2022: Figrin D'an [Nice Copy] (feat. Jackson Tyler)

For some reason, we are doing this again. As we will continue to do until we're both dead. This year, we dragged Jackson into it! Thank you Jackson. Happy Life Day to you, dearest listener.

158. The Seven Grogus of Ingmar Bergman

Episode Notes

Notes go here

157. Hegel And Marx Make Erotic Requests

We're back! We talk about our memories of the Nintendo Wii and the times we had this week watching the Tremors series. Expect more to come on that front, weirdly enough.

156. NWBY 28: Hot Swapping British People

We're back!!! We were delayed but we are back to talk about RWBY, on which opinions are mixed, but in a way that makes sense. Also Jackson is here for silly reasons. They don't know shit about RWBY but that's fine.

155. Pox Machina II

Episode Notes

This time I'm joined by friend of the show Kim to talk about the next 3 episodes of the Legend of Vox Machina! It's a terrible cartoon. Also she didn't watch the first 3 episodes. Boogie when he pops the phantom idk i didnt watch the show

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